In today’s pandemic-wracked world, we need to navigate our daily lives without touching anything that isn’t essential. We need to interact with as few...
Pandemics are scary. And they’re challenging emotionally as well as physically. There is no way around those facts. But while health professionals and public...
At Stambol, we are always interested in discussions about the future of the building industry. So we were whole-heartedly onboard to sponsor this month’s...
The Stambol leadership team was honoured to speak at the VR/AR Global Summit 2018 last weekend here in Vancouver.
This event brought together a huge...
Overhead goes down and the 'wow-factor' goes up with virtual show homes
VANCOUVER, BC, CANADA - November 28, 2016 - The booming Virtual Reality (VR) market...
You’ve heard about Virtual Reality (VR) exploding around the world with the introduction of accessible high-end and economical entry-level hardware. With this rapid expansion...