Saying that health care looks different during a pandemic is an understatement that dwarfs the meaning of the word. We are collectively living through...
Successful businesses solve problems, right? If 2020 has good news for any of us, it’s that opportunities to provide solutions are practically boundless at...
In today’s pandemic-wracked world, we need to navigate our daily lives without touching anything that isn’t essential. We need to interact with as few...
Many businesses that were rock-solid before COVID-19 are now facing a dilemma. Pivot with a Digital Transformation strategy or close what’s left of their...
Watching the Coronavirus (Covid-19) outbreak unfold on a global scale has sparked alarm, preparation, and economic hardship. To deal with the first two issues,...
School closures and calls to work from home are jointly hitting parents hard during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. We are being asked to maintain...
Pandemics are scary. And they’re challenging emotionally as well as physically. There is no way around those facts. But while health professionals and public...